What I Get for Registration?
All Distances get the following:
-Professional Chip timing: These chips are on the back of your bib number, do not remove or fold.
-Live Results: Results are live at all races with a strong wifi connection at www.webscorer.com/onhillevents
-Custom Finisher 4" Medal.
-Custom High End Multiblend Next Level Race Shirt (Racers loved the upgrade switch to Nextlevel from the old tech. Feels like softer than cotton and great for running and all around wear.)
-Awards Ceremony at Finish
-Awards Include Top 3 in each age group. (Age Groups 0 to 4, 5 to 9,10 to 14, etc to 70+) Must be at awards ceremony to get medal or pay a $20 shipping fee.
-Food at finish includes: Water, Powerade, Bananas, Oranges, Peanut Butter Sandwiches, FatBoy Ice Cream, Candy
-Participant Raffle
-Custom Bib Number
-Fully supported aid stations: Potties, Water, Powerade, Cups, Volunteers, Table
-Fully supported course: Volunteers, Well Marked with signs, arrows on ground.
-Free Photos: Though our photos are free, we do not guarantee every racer will get a photo due to the movement of the photographer. It is our goal to not just snap every racer but to get scenery as well as unique action shots.
-Light Saber